Kieran Snyder

Kieran Snyder

Co-Founder, CEO, Textio

Kieran Snyder holds a PhD in linguistics and has held product and design leadership roles at Microsoft and Amazon. She has authored several studies on language, technology, and document bias. Most recently, Kieran built a multifunctional team in analytics, program management, and design for Amazon’s advertising organization. In her prior product leadership roles at Microsoft, Kieran created a linguistic services platform for developers, introducing new language detection and other natural language processing capabilities to Windows developers for the first time. She also led teams in Windows and Bing User Experience, driving design and engineering efforts for the native integration of Bing into Windows search.

Textio provides text analytics easy enough for every business. Whatever business you’re in, text is essential to how you operate: documents, marketing materials, presentations, performance reviews, emails, documentation, job descriptions, customer chat transcripts, and more. Textio provides usable text analytics and data visualization software that lets anyone in your business discover key document insights.